For those who were there, this post is a nice memory.
For those who weren’t there, this post will make you feel sorry for missing the goodies!
What an incredible weekend it was!
On Friday, we had the performance night at the Fetish Café. Amazing venue, interesting light setup, and incredible performers! And of course the most lovely audience in the world! It was a night to remember… See below for some picture. Convinced yet to keep an eye on upcoming events?
On Saturday and Sunday the weekend workshop took place. People attending gave us some feedback…
Thanks to @FrlLilly and @seilartig for great help and @Ligatio and @lizanne for facilitating this great workshop.
Je tenais à t’envoyer un message pour te remercier du superbe accueil lors de ce workshop ce week-end, nous avons beaucoup appris auprès d’Alex & Lilly, mais rien n’aurait été possible sans vous deux non plus !!
Encore merci pour tout! C’était un super week-end.
So next time, be there (again!)